
What is your Legacy?

This summer has been a difficult one for me.
Over Memorial Day weekend, I lost my dear Gramma Summer and just last week, my darling Grandmother Grace passed away. I was very close to both of them and each has influenced me over the course of my 38 years.  I alternate between joyful rememberance and heartbreaking sadness over the profound loss I feel.

In my grief, I have begun writing their legacy down. After all, as a personal publisher, isn't that what it is all about? I want my girls to know the incredible women that I knew and unless I pass that down to them, those women will be lost. I could not bear that.

Using a template from the extensive Template Gallery at http://www.myphotofairy.com/, I have begun to memorialize each of these dynamic women and I want to share this with you. To the right, you will see photos of my loved ones and below, you will see the beginnings of their legacy books.

With Story Maps to guide you, documenting someone's life doesn't have to be an overwhelming process. Step by step, you can have a leather bound, coffee table style book that will be almost as revered as the person it is about. But I suggest you start now. Don't wait until they are gone. Start today.
To view the book at it's best, click FULL SCREEN.

If you are ready to begin a Legacy Book, visit http://www.theyoulibrary.com/ today.